Saturday, October 5, 2013

Living on the edge

This is one of Arrow's favourite walks, along the cliffs of Port Noarlunga.

Kony 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Gummy dog

You can even see where her new teeth are coming through...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Growing up

She has grown out of her mono brow!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sick and sorry!

I was called as I left work - come quickly, Arrow isn't well. I found a subdued puppy, very very subdued. Kai noticed her snout was swollen on one side - and we rushed the her to the vet. She had a high temperature of 40.2 degrees. The vet found a bee sting embedded in her tongue and signs of another on her lip! Several injections later she is resting peacefully. The swelling is quite noticeable in this picture that was taken before we went to the vet.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Crazy Puppy

Interspersed between sleeping are moments of crazy energy.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Chickens Unperturbed

In this video Kentucky is definitely not bothered.

Satay wants a piece of Arrow... if only she would come close enough.

Travelling by Car

I don't mind going in the car because apart from the first few minutes.. I sleep the whole way.

However I am always alert if I am driving.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Chicken v Arrow

The chickens and Arrow love playing together. The chickens don't like being chased, but they sure  love doing the chasing, particularly Satay and Giblet.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

So many new things...

Fetching the ball is something she picked up straight away.

Arrow finds the chickens interesting.

Arrow has inherited several serviceable hand-me downs from Miss Voo the cat: bowls, blankets and a pink princess bed. Soon she will be much bigger than the bed.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Arrow's adoption

Arrow was adopted on the 5th of July at an age of 8 weeks and 2 days, she settled quickly into her new home. Piggy is currently her favourite toy.

Arrow the Pup

Arrow was born on the 3rd of May, 2013 in a litter of eight. Her mother is a Blue Heeler x Kelpie and her father a Blue Heeler. She has two sisters and five brothers, she is on the far right of this picture.

Arrow is named after the first toy she played with - a suction cup arrow.

She shares her name with Oblio's blue dog, also called Arrow, from the animated movie, The Point